Make The Leap To Brick and Mortar Less Intimidating

What’s Our Expansion Secret?

For starters, we’re not just a retail consultant. We operate hundreds of wholly owned retail stores. In other words, we understand the brick and mortar challenges brands and retailers face because we solve them in our stores, too.

We also happen to drive omnichannel sales for Fortune 100 brands and retailers. The best practices we’ve honed, the relationships we’ve built, the solutions we’ve developed will guide your expansion into the physical space, making every step a whole lot easier and more cost-effective.

Send us your info and we’ll be in touch to discuss your needs.

Trusted By The Top Names In retail
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Omnichannel Update!
VIBA Shakes Up Engagement And Sales

Retail Expansion Checklist

Expanding means taking your online success into the physical space. But are you ready for the sales and inventory challenges it will bring? Are you ready for a customer who proudly boasts a now-or-never mindset? Here are five things you need to consider going forward. Let’s talk and we’ll dig a whole lot deeper.

Get Omnichannel In Order

Omnichannel is the new retail buzzword but few brands or retailers have it down to a science. Spoiler alert - a website, a store front and an Instagram account don’t make you omnichannel. You need every sales channel working as a unified pipeline and you need to do it without breaking the bank.

Branded Location or Distribution Network?

Brick and mortar doesn’t necessarily mean hanging a shingle. Maybe your best bet is securing distribution through regional or national retailers? Do you know the right move? Do you really understand what it takes to run your own stores? Do you have solid relationships with distributors and retailers? We do and we will help you build a cost-smart and calculated path to physical retail.

Staffing Is King

Moving into the physical space means finding the best people to represent your brand. Whether it’s salespeople on the floor or brand ambassadors driving awareness, you now have a big recruiting, training and onboarding process to develop. Or we can do that for you with a nationwide pool of vetted, trained and proven talent.

Who’s Steering The Ship?

You could build a whole new department of Directors and VPs with brick and mortar experience. But that’s going to cost you. You could bring in a firm who’ll give you a decent plan of action and walk away. Or you could partner with a team of retail entrepreneurs who’ve built expansion programs for our stores and some of the biggest names in the business. We’ll be on the ground, in the trenches, and in your stores making sure your expansion is a success.

Accuracy & Scalability

How do you expand while keeping costs in check? Where do you find solutions that are designed to scale up or down, depending on your needs and market conditions? How do you guarantee accurate reporting to manage all those new inventory, distribution, personnel and merchandising challenges? Let’s talk about solutions designed to expand as both your physical and online business expands.

We’re the only 3PL to own and operate our own wireless stores.

We run more than one hundred wholly owned TMobile stores. These are
our stores and we handle everything: staffing, training, assisted selling, technology, marketing, merchandising, inventory, pricing, fulfillment - you name it.

We’re solving the same pain points you face every day. Even better, we’re your solutions guinea pigs. We test every TROC solution in our stores before they ever reach yours. If it works for us, chances are, it’ll work for you. If it doesn’t work in our stores – don’t worry, you’ll never see it.

Four Wireless Pain Points We Often Encounter »

Let’s Increase Those Sales

The first step to capitalizing on your sales and revenue opportunities is a 30-minute discussion. Schedule yours today.

One Meeting To Optimize Your Expansion

Let us show you all the ways T-ROC can control costs, improve performance and deliver a smart, successful move into physical retail. One meeting gets it started.
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let's increase those sales

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The first step to capitalizing on your sales and revenue opportunities is a discovery call. Schedule yours today in the calendar below.